Multisectoral Working Group (MSWG) on Two-Thirds Gender Principle convened a hand-over ceremony on the Report
On Friday 23rd February 2024, the Multisectoral Working Group (MSWG) on Two-Thirds Gender Principle convened a hand-over ceremony on the Report of the Multi-Sectoral Working Group on the Realisation of the not more than Two-Thirds Gender Principle to Cabinet Secretary Hon. Aisha Jumwa.
The taskforce has diligently fulfilled the terms of reference outlined within the 5 issues addressed by NADCO. The resulting report advocates for legislative action through three proposed amendment bills: the Constitution of Kenya (Amendment) Bill 2024, Elections (Amendment) Bill 2024, and Political Parties (Amendment) Bill 2024.The report will be presented to Parliament for Adoption
The Multi-Sectoral Working Group (MWG) expressed gratitude to the Electoral Law and Governance Institute for Africa (ELGIA) for its invaluable support throughout the process.