ORPP in partnership with the ELGIA convened a three-day workshop on Legal Reforms in Nakuru.
The Office of the Registrar for Political Parties (ORPP) in partnership with the Electoral Law and Governance Institute for Africa (ELGIA) convened a three-day workshop on Legal Reforms in Nakuru.
The focus areas of the working sessions are on the Political Parties Act (2011) , Political Parties (Registration)Regulations (2019), Inclusivity of coalition political party elements,Political Parties (Funding)Regulations (2019) and use of Technology Regulations.
Day 2 of the ORPP Legal Reforms working sessions convened by the Office of the Registrar of Political Parties (ORPP) in partnership with the Electoral Law and Governnace Institute for Africa (ELGIA) in Nakuru.
The participants deliberated on the areas of proposals of Legal Reforms such as :- the matrix on the Politcal Parties Act 2022 , the matrix on the Political Parties(Registration) Regulations 2019 and the Political Parties (Funding) Regulations,2019.