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ELGIA convenes SEAIP Outcome Harvesting Workshop
ELGIA convenes SEAIP Outcome Harvesting Workshop

ELGIA convenes SEAIP Outcome Harvesting Workshop

The Electoral Law and Governance Institute for Africa (ELGIA) is excited to convene an Outcome Harvesting Workshop in Naivasha-Kenya, bringing together its consortium partners under the Strengthening Electoral Accountability and Inclusivity Program (SEAIP). Supported by USAID, SEAIP is dedicated to improving electoral and governance processes across Kenya.

This consortium includes prominent partners such as the Centre for Multiparty Democracy (CMD), the Federation of Women Lawyers (FIDA), Transparency International (TI), and U.S.-based Democracy International (DI). Over the next two days, we will critically assess the SEAIP program’s impact, delving into key outcomes such as enhancing electoral compliance, fostering inclusivity, and improving accountability in the electoral process.

Our goal is to uncover valuable insights and lessons learned to reinforce Kenya’s electoral landscape, making it more robust, transparent, and inclusive for all stakeholders.



Electoral Law and Governance Institute for Africa (ELGIA),
is a Continental Organisation working to strengthen
and consolidate constitutional democracy,good governance,
human rights,institutional strengthening of
parliament and electoral processes in Africa. 

Copyright @ 2025 . ELGIA.

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