Electoral Law and Governance Institute for Africa (ELGIA), is a Continental Organisation working to strengthen and consolidate constitutional democracy, good governance, human rights, institutional strengthening of parliament and electoral processes in Africa. As a democracy and governance think tank, ELGIA works with continental and sub-regional organisations among, them the African Union (AU) and East African Community (EAC). ELGIA is in the process of expanding its support to regional economic communities to Southern Africa Development Community (SADC) and the Economic Community of West Africa States (ECOWAS).
Premised on the reality that stable democratic countries, enjoy progressive and transformative legal and institutional framework, ELGIA seeks to strengthen governance and political institutions through technical assistance, capacity building, law reforms, advocacy and research.
ELGIA takes a collaborative approach in its work in that it facilitates its various activities by creating platforms for participation and engagement in accountable governance. ELGIA seeks to build homegrown solutions to democratic development, citizens engagement and economic governance.
ELGIA works with national institutions, regional and continent-wide organisations including civil society by providing support through research and technical assistance. In managing risks and opportunities in its external environment, ELGIA relies on its collective resources, thus learning from its external environment. ELGIA finds the prevailing external environment to be favourable to continental work in expanding democracy, institutional strengthening and enhanced engagement. Significant opportunities exist in constitutional development, elections technical assistance, good governance and public participation initiatives towards regional and continental integration.
ELGIA takes a collaborative approach in its work in that it facilitates its various activities by creating platforms for participation and engagement in accountable governance. ELGIA seeks to build homegrown solutions to democratic development, citizens engagement and economic governance.
ELGIA works with national institutions, regional and continent-wide organisations including civil society by providing support through research and technical assistance. In managing risks and opportunities in its external environment, ELGIA relies on its collective resources, thus learning from its external environment. ELGIA finds the prevailing external environment to be favourable to continental work in expanding democracy, institutional strengthening and enhanced engagement. Significant opportunities exist in constitutional development, elections technical assistance, good governance and public participation initiatives towards regional and continental integration.

What partners say about ELGIA.

Felix Odhiambo